PHONE: (406) 728 - 3052
8598 Robbins Rd. Missoula, MT. 59808

Hello Producers,

Happy Calving Season to you all.  I wish you well in your endeavors.

We've seen prices trending up this late winter (see market data) and hope for that to continue this Spring.

I know everyone is plenty busy right now but when you get through calving we'd love to come visit and see your new crop so give us a call. 

Until then, best of luck and we'll talk to you soon. 



The Funnies

An elderly farmer had an old bull that lost its usual desire and no longer went near the cows.

The farmer called the vet, who prescribed some pills to help stimulate the bull's interest.

A few weeks later, the farmer ran into a friend, who asked, "How's the bull doing?"

"Great!" said the farmer. "The bull is back to his former frisky self."

"That's fantastic. What miracle drug did the vet prescribe?", asked the friend.

"I don't know", replied the farmer. "But it tastes like licorice."


Five Valleys Missoula Livestock Cattle and Horse Auction

8598 Robbins Rd Missoula, MT 59808

Phone: (406) 728.3052
Justin: (406) 880-4094
Fax: (406) 542-3586
